RowLayout QML Type

Identical to GridLayout, but having only one row. More...

Import Statement: import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12



Detailed Description

It is available as a convenience for developers, as it offers a cleaner API.

Items in a RowLayout support these attached properties:

 RowLayout {
     id: layout
     anchors.fill: parent
     spacing: 6
     Rectangle {
         color: 'teal'
         Layout.fillWidth: true
         Layout.minimumWidth: 50
         Layout.preferredWidth: 100
         Layout.maximumWidth: 300
         Layout.minimumHeight: 150
         Text {
             anchors.centerIn: parent
             text: parent.width + 'x' + parent.height
     Rectangle {
         color: 'plum'
         Layout.fillWidth: true
         Layout.minimumWidth: 100
         Layout.preferredWidth: 200
         Layout.preferredHeight: 100
         Text {
             anchors.centerIn: parent
             text: parent.width + 'x' + parent.height

Read more about attached properties here.

See also ColumnLayout, GridLayout, and Row.

Property Documentation

layoutDirection : enumeration

This property holds the layout direction of the row layout - it controls whether items are laid out from left ro right or right to left. If Qt.RightToLeft is specified, left-aligned items will be right-aligned and right-aligned items will be left-aligned.

Possible values:

  • Qt.LeftToRight (default) - Items are laid out from left to right.
  • Qt.RightToLeft - Items are laid out from right to left

This property was introduced in QtQuick.Layouts 1.1.

See also GridLayout::layoutDirection and ColumnLayout::layoutDirection.

spacing : real

This property holds the spacing between each cell. The default value is 5.