Qt Quick System Dialog Examples

This example demonstrates the system dialog types in QML.

This example demonstrates the system dialogs in the Qt Quick Dialogs module. The appearance and behavior is platform-dependent.

A FileDialog is used to choose a single file, multiple files or a single directory, depending on how it is configured.

 FileDialog {
     id: fileDialog
     visible: fileDialogVisible.checked
     modality: fileDialogModal.checked ? Qt.WindowModal : Qt.NonModal
     title: fileDialogSelectFolder.checked ? "Choose a folder" :
         (fileDialogSelectMultiple.checked ? "Choose some files" : "Choose a file")
     selectExisting: fileDialogSelectExisting.checked
     selectMultiple: fileDialogSelectMultiple.checked
     selectFolder: fileDialogSelectFolder.checked
     nameFilters: [ "Image files (*.png *.jpg)", "All files (*)" ]
     selectedNameFilter: "All files (*)"
     sidebarVisible: fileDialogSidebarVisible.checked
     onAccepted: {
         console.log("Accepted: " + fileUrls)
         if (fileDialogOpenFiles.checked)
             for (var i = 0; i < fileUrls.length; ++i)
     onRejected: { console.log("Rejected") }

A ColorDialog is used to choose a color, with or without alpha (transparency) depending on how it is configured.

 ColorDialog {
     id: colorDialog
     visible: colorDialogVisible.checked
     modality: colorDialogModal.checked ? Qt.WindowModal : Qt.NonModal
     title: "Choose a color"
     color: "green"
     showAlphaChannel: colorDialogAlpha.checked
     onAccepted: { console.log("Accepted: " + color) }
     onRejected: { console.log("Rejected") }

The example can be built as a standalone executable, but each type of dialog is demonstrated in a separate QML file which can also be run separately with qmlscene.
