Graphics View Flow Layout Example

Demonstrates flow layout on a graphics view scene.

The Graphics View Flow Layout example shows the use of a flow layout in a Graphics View widget.

This example uses a Graphics View to display the widget, which is a more customizable approach than displaying the flow layout in the application window (See Flow Layout Example).

Graphics View Flow Layout snippet:

 #include "window.h"

 #include <QApplication>
 #include <QGraphicsView>

 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     QApplication app(argc, argv);

     QGraphicsScene scene;
     QGraphicsView *view = new QGraphicsView(&scene);
     Window *w = new Window;

     view->resize(400, 300);

     return app.exec();

Flow Layout Example snippet:

 #include <QApplication>

 #include "window.h"

 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     QApplication app(argc, argv);
     Window window;;
     return app.exec();
